Hyderabad MLA Sparks Chaos in Assembly with Shocking Abusive Language – Forced to Apologize

Hyderabad MLA Sparks Chaos in Assembly with Shocking Abusive Language – Forced to Apologize

Danam Nagender abusive language in Assembly : Most people would agree that decorum in legislative assemblies is crucial for maintaining respect and order. However, during a recent session in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly, Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender ignited controversy by using offensive and abusive language against fellow BRS MLAs. This incident sparked outrage, leading to *Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar’s* intervention and Nagender’s forced apology. As you probe into this incident, consider the implications of such behavior on the integrity of legislative processes and the messages it sends to the public.

Hyderabad MLA Danam Nagender ignites controversy with abusive language in the Telangana Assembly. Opposition demands apology for "unwarranted" remarks, causing uproar in the House.

Key Takeaways:

  • Controversial Remarks: MLA Danam Nagender faced backlash after using abusive language against BRS MLAs in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly.
  • Speaker Intervention: Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar had to intervene due to the uproar caused by Nagender’s comments, emphasizing the need for decorum in the House.
  • Forced Apology: Following the objections from the opposition, Nagender was compelled to withdraw his remarks and apologize, highlighting accountability within the assembly.
  • Party Allegiances: The incident raised questions regarding Nagender’s current party affiliation after defecting from BRS to the ruling Congress, intensifying the controversy.
  • Parliamentary Standards: The situation underscored the significance of maintaining respectful discourse, with opposition leaders condemning the use of “unparliamentary” language.
  • Defensive Justification: In his defense, Nagender claimed that his remarks were not intended to offend and referenced local slang, attempting to mitigate the fallout.
  • Integrity Concerns: BRS MLAs argued that such behavior from a senior legislator erodes the legislative process’s integrity and sets a troubling precedent for future conduct.

Incident Overview

While you may have expected the Telangana State Legislative Assembly to engage in productive discussions, an unexpected turn of events unfolded during a session on Friday, leading to chaos and an urgent intervention by the Speaker. The uproar was ignited by Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender, whose use of abusive language against members of the BRS party caught everyone off guard. This incident not only raised eyebrows among the assembly members but also drew sharp objections from the entire opposition, prompting a swift response from Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar.

Context of the Assembly Discussion

Assembly discussions are generally meant to shed light on critical issues facing the community, and on this particular day, the agenda was “Activities for Sustainable Urban Development in Hyderabad Metro City.” However, as Nagender took the floor, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. His recent shift from the BRS to the ruling Congress raised doubts about his allegiance, and the BRS legislators, led by party working president KT Rama Rao, sought clarification regarding which party Nagender represented. The Speaker emphasized that every member had the right to speak but refrained from addressing the questions about Nagender’s party affiliation, igniting further opposition.

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Danam Nagender’s Outburst

Assembly tensions reached a breaking point when Nagender, feeling cornered amidst the mounting jeers from BRS members, resorted to abusive language, specifically targeting MLA Padi Kaushik Reddy and others. His inflammatory remarks—including threats to “peel off their skin” and other shocking claims—escalated the drama to unprecedented levels, prompting immediate indignation from BRS MLAs. With tempers flaring, Nagender’s verbal assault drew objections from several quarters, highlighting the dangers of allowing such behavior within the legislative process.

Incident reports indicate that the situation escalated rapidly, with AIMIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi voicing serious concerns about the implications of Nagender’s language. He labeled the remarks as “unparliamentary” and called for an immediate apology, warning that tolerating such discussions would set a poor precedent. The quick response from the Speaker, aimed at restoring order, was both necessary and telling—showing that while passionate debate is part of democracy, abusive language has no place in the legislative assembly.

Reactions from the Opposition

You may find it shocking that the incident sparked a widespread and intense backlash from the opposition members in the Assembly. The representatives of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) were particularly vocal in their condemnation of Danam Nagender’s abusive language. They expressed their outrage, highlighting that his remarks not only disrespected the decorum of the revered Assembly but also reflected poorly on the dignity expected from a senior legislator. The heated atmosphere escalated as BRS MLAs, led by party working president KT Rama Rao, demanded clarity on Nagender’s party affiliation and repeatedly criticized his behavior, insisting that such conduct was entirely unacceptable in the legislative environment.

Outrage from BRS MLAs

Outrage was palpable among BRS MLAs following Nagender’s derogatory comments, particularly when he aimed his vitriol at fellow MLA Padi Kaushik Reddy. They argued that Nagender’s choice of words was not merely a slip of the tongue, but a blatant exhibition of immaturity and insensitivity, unbecoming of someone with his experience. The assembly atmosphere rapidly turned hostile as the BRS legislators passionately opposed Nagender’s statements, holding him accountable for setting a detrimental precedent that could undermine the integrity of the legislative process.

Statements from AIMIM Floor Leader

Outrage emanated from the AIMIM floor leader, Akbaruddin Owaisi, who did not shy away from publicly denouncing the “very unparliamentary” language used by Nagender. He firmly stated that such remarks that carry disrespectful undertones regarding “mothers” could not be tolerated from a senior member of the Assembly. Owaisi’s insistence on Nagender’s unconditional apology highlighted the importance of maintaining civility and respect within the legislative proceedings.

It is crucial to note that Owaisi’s intervention was framed within a broader context of upholding legislative decorum. He voiced serious concerns that if such behavior went unchecked, it could create a slippery slope where offensive language becomes normalized, devastating the ethical foundation upon which parliamentary democracy stands. His call for action underscored the immediate need for accountability among legislators, especially during discussions concerning significant topics like “Activities for Sustainable Urban Development in Hyderabad Metro City.”

Speaker’s Intervention

For those watching the proceedings in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly, the intervention of Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar became a pivotal moment amid the chaos instigated by MLA Danam Nagender’s abusive remarks. As uproar erupted from the opposition, which vehemently protested Nagender’s “unwarranted” and “offensive” comments, the Speaker’s role was crucial to restoring a sense of decorum in the House. You witnessed how, in any legislative body, the Speaker must ensure that discussions remain respectful and productive—something that was decidedly missing during this episode.

Restoration of Order

Restoration of order was imperative as angry BRS legislators, led by party working president KT Rama Rao, called into question Nagender’s party affiliation and sought clarification from the Speaker. Amidst their refusal to yield, Nagender’s confrontational language escalated the situation, reaching a point where his comments targeted specific individuals, challenging them with violent imagery. In such high-tension environments, it’s imperative for a Speaker to quickly intervene to prevent further deterioration of dialogue. You likely felt the tension rise as the assembly grappled with the need for authority and respect.

Expungement of Remarks

The Speaker’s next critical action was the expungement of Nagender’s abusive remarks from the official records. This step is significant in maintaining the integrity of legislative processes; when conduct is deemed unacceptable, formal records must reflect only appropriate discourse. Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar’s firm stance against the use of vulgar language set a precedent for future behavior in the assembly. You may appreciate that such actions are not just about punishing individual behavior but about signaling to all members that decorum must be upheld.

Order was promptly restored as Nagender complied with the Speaker’s instructions, retracting his comments and offering an apology. His assertion that his words were not intended to offend and related to “Hyderabadi slang” was an attempt to downplay the severity of his actions. However, the incident served as a stark reminder of how quickly tensions can escalate within the assembly, especially when the words exchanged touch on personal attacks and threats. Ultimately, this event illustrates the vital role the Speaker plays in safeguarding the legislative process against destructive rhetoric that can undermine the foundations of democratic discourse.

Apology and Justification

Keep in mind the gravity of the situation as Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender faced the consequences of his offensive remarks in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly. During a heated discussion on “Activities for Sustainable Urban Development in Hyderabad Metro City,” Nagender directed abusive language towards BRS MLAs. The uproar among the opposition prompted Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar to intervene, making it clear that such conduct was unacceptable. As a result, Nagender was compelled to issue an apology and withdraw his remarks, a move that was necessary to restore order within the Assembly.

Withdrawal of Comments

Comments made by Nagender, which included threats like “peel off their skin” and not letting his opponents “walk on the streets,” were swiftly condemned by BRS legislators and were described as “unparliamentary” by AIMIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi. In compliance with the Speaker’s instructions, Nagender subsequently announced the withdrawal of his comments and expressed regret for the uproar they caused. His forced apology highlighted the seriousness with which the Assembly treats matters of decorum. You can see that restoring decorum was vital for maintaining the assembly’s integrity in the face of such heated exchanges.

Nagender’s Defense of His Language

To consider Nagender’s defense, it is clear he attempted to mitigate the fallout by claiming that his remarks were not intentional and often stemmed from the local dialect of Hyderabad. As a senior legislator, he asserted that he did not intend to offend anyone, suggesting that the language used was part of the cultural vernacular rather than a deliberate attack on his colleagues. This attempt at justification, however, met with skepticism from many fellow members who were outraged by the personal nature of his comments.

Justification for such language, as claimed by Nagender, brings to light a complex issue within political discourse. While Nagender defended his choice of words as part of “Hyderabadi slang,” he failed to acknowledge the potential dangerous implications of normalizing such language in a legislative setting. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the erosion of respect within political dialogues, highlighting the need for stronger accountability among lawmakers, especially senior members who are supposed to set an example. The Assembly’s response illustrates the importance of maintaining a tone that reflects the dignity and seriousness of legislative proceedings.

To wrap up

Now, it is crucial for you to understand the implications of incidents like the one sparked by MLA Danam Nagender in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly. The use of abusive language by a senior legislator not only reflects poorly on individuals but also tarnishes the reputation of the entire legislative body. As a member of the public or an observer, you should recognize the importance of upholding decorum within political discussions, especially in formal settings where civility should prevail. When elected representatives resort to such language, it diminishes the integrity of the democratic process and sets a troubling precedent for future discourse.

Furthermore, your engagement in the democratic process means holding your representatives accountable for their conduct in assembly sessions. The strong opposition from the BRS members and the subsequent intervention of Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar illustrate that there are mechanisms in place to address inappropriate behavior. By advocating for respectful and constructive dialogue, you contribute to a political culture that values discussions over insults, enhancing the overall effectiveness of governance and policy-making. Incidents such as this can serve as a catalyst for broader discussions on the conduct expected from public officials and the standards you deem acceptable in your government.


Q: What incident sparked controversy in the Telangana State Legislative Assembly?

A: The controversy was sparked when Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender used abusive language directed towards BRS MLAs during a discussion on “Activities for Sustainable Urban Development in Hyderabad Metro City.” His remarks were deemed “unwarranted” and “offensive,” leading to strong objections from the opposition.

Q: How did the Speaker of the Assembly respond to the situation?

A: Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar intervened amid the uproar. He directed the proceedings to restore order and stated that Nagender’s abusive remarks would be expunged from the official records. The Speaker significantly demanded that Nagender withdraw his comments and apologize for his behavior.

Q: What were the specific abusive remarks made by Danam Nagender?

A: Nagender made several inflammatory comments, notably threatening to “peel off their skin” and “not let them walk on the streets,” specifically targeting fellow legislators like Padi Kaushik Reddy, which resulted in severe backlash from the BRS members.

Q: What was the reaction from other members of the Assembly, particularly from the BRS and AIMIM?

A: BRS lawmakers, led by party working president KT Rama Rao, expressed their indignation and characterized Nagender’s remarks as unacceptable, especially coming from a senior MLA. AIMIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi also condemned the language used, calling it “very unparliamentary,” and requested an unconditional apology from Nagender, urging the Speaker to maintain decorum in the Assembly.

Q: How did Danam Nagender justify his comments after the backlash?

A: After facing criticism, Nagender attempted to mitigate the backlash by claiming that his remarks were not intentional and were a part of “Hyderabadi slang.” He emphasized his seniority and reputation in the Assembly, asserting that he did not mean to offend anyone.

Q: What was the outcome of this incident in terms of legislative conduct?

A: The incident raised concerns about the integrity of legislative processes. BRS members stated that such behavior from senior legislators set a poor example and eroded the decorum expected in the Assembly. Ultimately, Nagender was compelled to apologize and withdraw his remarks, which aimed to restore order and civility in the legislative proceedings.

Q: What does this incident indicate about the political dynamics in the Telangana Assembly?

A: This incident highlights the tensions among political factions within the Telangana Assembly, particularly following Nagender’s defection from BRS to the ruling Congress party. It reflects the heightened emotions and confrontations that can occur in legislative settings, emphasizing the importance of maintaining respect and decorum among elected representatives, even amidst political disagreements.

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