Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference : Muslim Leaders Unite for Community Protection in Hyderabad

Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference : Muslim Leaders Unite for Community Protection in Hyderabad

Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference: Hyderabad, March 3 – A momentous event is set to unfold in the heart of Hyderabad as leaders from prominent Muslim religious and social organizations gather at MP Garden, Mehdipatnam, for the Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference on March 3 (Sunday).

Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference: Muslim Leaders Unite for Community Protection in Hyderabad

Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference: Muslim Leaders Unite for Community Protection in Hyderabad
Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference

Muslim Joint Action Committee Spearheads Conference Focused on Community Welfare:

1. Organizing Entity – Muslim Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh: The driving force behind the Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference is the Muslim Joint Action Committee (JAC), a collective effort spanning Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The JAC serves as the orchestrator of this significant event, showcasing its commitment to fostering unity and addressing critical issues affecting the Muslim community.

2. Conference Objectives – Addressing Pressing Issues Across the Country: The primary objective of the conference is to address pressing issues that extend beyond regional boundaries. While the immediate focus is on challenges faced by the Muslim community in Telangana, the overarching goal is to contribute to solutions that resonate nationally. By addressing a broad spectrum of concerns, the conference aims to make a substantial impact on the welfare of the Muslim community across the country.

Event Overview: Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference

3. Four Sessions Dedicated to Community Well-being: a. Protection of Mosques: The first session of the day will concentrate on safeguarding the sanctity of mosques. This includes addressing concerns related to the security, preservation, and respectful treatment of these sacred spaces.

b. Safeguarding Shariah: The second session shifts the focus to the protection of Shariah, emphasizing the importance of upholding Islamic principles and legal traditions.

c. Challenges Faced by Madarsas: The third session delves into the challenges encountered by Madarsas, discussing ways to ensure their sustainability, relevance, and contribution to education within the Muslim community.

d. Open Session with Speakers from Various Districts of Telangana: The final session opens the floor to speakers from diverse districts of Telangana, fostering a decentralized discussion on local concerns and perspectives. This inclusive approach ensures that the conference captures the multifaceted nature of challenges faced by the community.

4. Inclusivity through Participating Organizations: The Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference is set to be a collaborative effort with leaders and representatives from distinguished organizations. These include:

  • Jamat-e-Islami
  • Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Hind
  • Wahdat-e-Islami
  • Jamiat-e-Ahle-Hadees
  • MPJ (Muslim Political Joint Action Committee)
  • Welfare Party
  • Shia Council
  • Anjuman-e-Mahdevia
  • Salama Trust
  • Anjuman-e-Qadriya
  • Shariah Faisla Board
  • Tahreek Muslim Shabban

The participation of these esteemed organizations amplifies the collective strength and diversity of perspectives that will be brought to the forefront during the conference.

5. Anticipated Insights and Collaborative Solutions: Leaders and representatives from the participating organizations are expected to share their insights, experiences, and proposed solutions during the conference. This collaborative effort is crucial for formulating comprehensive strategies that address the multifaceted challenges faced by the Muslim community.

In essence, the Muslim Joint Action Committee’s initiative to spearhead this conference reflects a commitment to community welfare, unity, and the pursuit of collaborative solutions that extend beyond regional boundaries. By bringing together diverse voices and organizations, the conference aims to make a substantial and far-reaching impact on the well-being of the Muslim community in the region and across the country.

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Statements from JAC Chairman and Tahreem Muslim Shabban President Mohammed Mushtaq Mallik:

According to Mohammed Mushtaq Mallik, Chairman of JAC and President of Tahreem Muslim Shabban, the primary focus is on protecting mosques, Shariah, Madarsas, and religious identity. Expressing concern over the perceived threats to the Muslim community’s religious identity, culture, and heritage in India, Mallik stressed that a ‘wait and watch’ strategy is no longer sufficient. He declared the intention to unite all organizations to legally combat challenges, exploring options within the framework of the Indian Constitution.

Resolution and Political Engagement: Shaping a Collective Vision for Community Empowerment

1. Crafting Comprehensive Resolutions: The Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference marks a significant juncture where leaders from diverse Muslim organizations converge to craft resolutions that transcend immediate concerns. These resolutions are expected to be comprehensive in nature, addressing multifaceted challenges faced by the Muslim community. The depth and breadth of these resolutions aim to serve as a blueprint for collective action and community empowerment.

2. Inclusive Decision-Making Process: The conference serves as a democratic platform for inclusive decision-making. Through informed discussions and deliberations, representatives from various organizations contribute their perspectives to shape the resolutions. This inclusive approach ensures that the resolutions resonate with the diverse experiences and concerns of the entire community.

3. Empowering Immediate Concerns: The resolutions are anticipated to address immediate concerns, such as the protection of mosques, safeguarding Shariah, and addressing challenges in Madarsas. By focusing on these critical aspects, the conference seeks to provide tangible solutions to pressing issues that impact the daily lives of the Muslim community.

4. Strategic Political Engagement: Following the crafting of resolutions, the subsequent phase involves strategic political engagement. Delegations comprising influential Muslim leaders are poised to initiate dialogues with leaders from various political parties. This strategic move aims to garner support for the resolutions and advocate for policies that align with the community’s interests.

5. Exclusion of BJP: A notable aspect of this engagement strategy is the decision to exclude the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). This exclusion reflects a nuanced approach, driven by perceived policy misalignments with the interests and values of the Muslim community. By opting for engagements with other political parties, the Muslim leaders strategically navigate the political landscape to build alliances that better align with community concerns.

6. Seeking Support for Community Interests: The primary objective of political engagement is to seek support for the community’s interests. This involves advocating for policies and initiatives that resonate with the resolutions passed during the conference. The engagement is not merely a form of lobbying but a concerted effort to bridge the gap between community aspirations and political representation.

7. Leveraging Democratic Processes: The decision to engage with political leaders underscores a commitment to leveraging democratic processes for community welfare. By seeking support from elected representatives, the Muslim leaders aim to navigate the democratic framework of the country to secure policy changes that positively impact the community.

8. Strengthening Unity for Effective Advocacy: The planned political engagements symbolize the unity among Muslim leaders, transcending organizational affiliations. By presenting a united front, the community aims to enhance its influence and advocacy on the political stage, fostering a more inclusive and responsive political environment.

Community Representation: A Diverse Gathering of Influential Voices

The Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference, slated to convene in Hyderabad, not only serves as a pivotal platform for addressing critical issues but also promises to be a diverse congregation reflecting the richness of the Muslim community. The anticipated attendees include a spectrum of influential figures, each contributing a unique perspective to the discussions.

1. Ulemas and Mashaiqeen: Esteemed Ulemas and Mashaiqeen, scholars well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence and spiritual leaders, are expected to grace the event. Their profound understanding of religious principles and traditions will play a crucial role in shaping the discourse around the protection of mosques, Shariah, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

2. Social Activists: The inclusion of social activists highlights the broader commitment to community welfare beyond religious aspects. These individuals, dedicated to social justice and community empowerment, bring a secular perspective, bridging the gap between religious discourse and the broader societal context.

3. Imams and Khateebs: Local Imams and Khateebs, leaders of congregational prayers and speakers at Friday sermons, will lend their practical insights to the discussions. Their grassroots connection with the community provides a valuable perspective on the challenges faced at the ground level, ensuring that the conference’s resolutions are grounded in the everyday realities of the Muslim population.

4. Inclusivity and Diversity: The diversity in representation ensures that the voices heard at the conference reflect the pluralistic nature of the Muslim community in Telangana. Different schools of thought, cultural nuances, and community experiences will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and potential solutions.

5. Youth Participation: Additionally, the presence of representatives from Tahreek Muslim Shabban underscores the engagement of the younger generation in the community’s affairs. Their perspectives and concerns are integral to the ongoing dialogue about preserving religious identity and cultural heritage in the face of contemporary challenges.

6. Bridging Generational Gaps: The interaction between experienced leaders and the youth fosters an intergenerational exchange of ideas and strategies. This collaboration is vital for crafting comprehensive approaches that address the concerns of both the present and the future.

In essence, the Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference goes beyond a mere gathering of leaders; it aspires to be a microcosm of the vibrant Muslim community in Telangana. The collective wisdom, varied experiences, and shared commitment to the community’s well-being promise a conference that is not only representative but also forward-looking in its approach to tackling the challenges ahead.

Conclusion: Ittehad-E-Millat State-Conference

As the Ittehad-E-Millat State Conference unfolds, it symbolizes a collective effort by Muslim leaders to address challenges, foster unity, and ensure the protection of the community’s vital aspects. The outcomes of this conference may shape the future discourse and actions aimed at preserving the rich heritage and identity of the Muslim community in the region. Stay tuned for updates on this significant gathering.

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