Salman Khan’s House Targeted! New Suspect Detained, Reveals Shocking Motive Behind the Attack

Salman Khan’s House Targeted! New Suspect Detained, Reveals Shocking Motive Behind the Attack

House security breaches have once again brought prominent Bollywood actor Salman Khan into the spotlight, as the Mumbai Crime Branch recently detained a new suspect in relation to the firing incident at his Bandra residence. The shocking revelation of the motive behind the attack has left many astonished, as it has been uncovered that the assailants were hired to intimidate rather than cause harm or take the life of the superstar.

Salman Khan’s House Targeted! New Suspect Detained, Reveals Shocking Motive Behind the Attack

The Mumbai Crime Branch detains another suspect in connection with the Salman Khan house firing incident. Shockingly, the motive behind the attack was revealed to be intimidation rather than harm. Stay updated with the latest developments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sonu Gupta Detained: Sonu Gupta, the brother of accused Vicky Gupta, has been detained in connection with the firing incident at Salman Khan’s house.
  • Motive Revealed: The accused were reportedly influenced by the gangster lifestyle and had aspirations to lead a similar life, leading to their involvement in the attack on Salman Khan’s residence.
  • Retaliation against Salman Khan: The suspects admitted that the firing was intended to intimidate the superstar rather than causing harm or taking his life, allegedly in retaliation for his involvement in the Blackbuck poaching case.
  • Security Concerns: Salman Khan expressed concerns about his family’s safety and questioned the effectiveness of the heavy security deployment outside his Bandra residence, as the assailants were still able to carry out the attack.
  • Statement from Salman Khan: Salman Khan will be providing his statement as a witness in the case, reflecting his anger and worry about the security breach at his home.
  • Further Investigation: The Mumbai Crime Branch is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident, including recording statements from witnesses and suspects to uncover all aspects of the case.
  • Legal Action: The Mumbai Police has also registered a case against Anmol Bishnoi for using threatening language on social media, linking him to the Salman Khan house firing incident.

The Attack on Salman Khan’s House

The Firing Incident Explained

One of Bollywood’s biggest stars, Salman Khan, faced a shocking attack on his Bandra residence, Galaxy Apartments, on April 14. The Mumbai Police revealed that the assailants, including Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, were allegedly hired by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang to intimidate Khan. The motive behind the attack was found to be Khan’s involvement in the Blackbuck poaching case, with the suspects admitting that their aim was to create fear rather than cause harm to the superstar.

The Response of Mumbai Crime Branch

One of the latest developments in the investigation of the firing incident is the detention of Sonu Gupta, brother of accused Vicky Gupta, by the Mumbai Crime Branch. The police are conducting a thorough interrogation to uncover further details about the attack on Salman Khan‘s house. Moreover, the Mumbai police have registered a case against Anmol Bishnoi, brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, for using threatening language on social media.

The Investigation Unfolds

Detainment and Interrogation of New Suspect

On the trail of justice, the Mumbai Crime Branch has detained Sonu Gupta, brother of accused Vicky Gupta, in connection with the firing incident at Salman Khan’s Bandra house. The interrogation of Sonu Gupta is currently underway, shedding light on further details surrounding the shocking attack.

The Role of the Lawrence Bishnoi Gang

To unravel the intricate web of events leading to the firing outside Salman Khan’s residence, the investigation has revealed the involvement of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Sagar Pal, a member influenced by the gang’s lifestyle, received the contract for the attack. The motive behind targeting the Bollywood superstar stems from retaliation over his controversial Blackbuck poaching case involvement.

With connections to notorious crimes and a history of violent acts, the Lawrence Bishnoi gang poses a significant threat to public safety. Their influence and ability to carry out targeted attacks raise concerns within the law enforcement community. The ongoing investigation aims to dismantle their criminal network and bring all perpetrators to justice.

Motives Behind the Attack

Intimidation Attempt, Not a Bid to Harm

All indications point towards the recent firing incident at Salman Khan’s Bandra house being an attempt to intimidate the Bollywood superstar rather than causing harm or taking his life. Suspects Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, arrested in connection to the attack, admitted that their actions were aimed at sending a message rather than inflicting physical harm.

Connections to the Blackbuck Poaching Backlash

With the recent revelations from the detained suspects, it has become apparent that the firing incident at Salman Khan’s residence may have ties to the backlash surrounding the Blackbuck poaching case, in which the actor was involved. The suspects allegedly sought to retaliate against Salman Khan for his involvement in the case, using the attack as a means of expressing their discontent.

Attempt: The perpetrators were reportedly influenced by the gangster lifestyle and had connections to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, who allegedly provided them with the contract for the attack. This additional motive sheds light on the complexities surrounding the incident and the underlying reasons behind it.

Security Concerns and Measures

Salman Khan’s Reaction to the Incident

To ensure the safety of himself and his family, Salman Khan expressed his anger and concern to Mumbai Police officials after the recent firing incident at his Bandra residence. He questioned the heavy security deployment outside his home, highlighting the fact that despite the presence of security personnel, the assailants were able to conduct multiple recce and carry out the shooting.

Recce and Attack Dynamics Despite Security

It was revealed that moments before the shooting, the perpetrators parked a motorcycle approximately 100 meters away from Salman Khan’s residence at Galaxy Apartments in Bandra. This calculated move allowed them to bypass the heavy security presence undetected. This highlights a significant breach in security measures and the audacity of the attackers in carrying out the attack despite stringent security protocols in place.

To wrap up

Now, with the detention of Sonu Gupta and the revelations made by arrested suspects Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, the motive behind the firing incident at Salman Khan’s house has been brought to light. It is alarming to know that the attack was intended to intimidate the Bollywood superstar rather than cause harm. Salman Khan’s safety and security concerns have been raised in light of these events, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance and proactive measures to ensure the protection of all public figures. The Mumbai Crime Branch’s ongoing investigation into this case will hopefully provide more insight into the planning and execution of this targeted attack, holding accountable all those involved in endangering the safety of Salman Khan and his family.


Q: Who was detained by the Mumbai Crime Branch in connection with the firing at Salman Khan’s house?

A: Sonu Gupta, brother of accused Vicky Gupta, was detained in the case.

Q: What is the motive behind the firing at Salman Khan’s Bandra house?

A: The motive behind the attack was stated to be intimidation rather than causing harm or taking his life.

Q: What gangster group was Sagar Pal associated with in relation to the firing incident?

A: Sagar Pal was associated with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang in connection to the firing at Salman Khan’s house.

Q: Why did the attackers target Salman Khan’s residence in Bandra?

A: The attackers targeted Salman Khan’s residence in retaliation for his involvement in the Blackbuck poaching case.

Q: What actions did Salman Khan take after the incident?

A: Salman Khan expressed anger and concern about his family’s safety with Mumbai Police officials after the incident.

Q: How did the miscreants manage to carry out the shooting despite heavy security outside Salman Khan’s residence?

A: The miscreants were able to do multiple recce and shooting as they parked a motorcycle approximately 100 meters away from Salman Khan’s residence before the shooting.

Q: Who has been booked in relation to the Salman Khan house firing incident for using threatening language on Facebook?

A: Anmol Bishnoi, the brother of Lawrence Bishnoi, has been booked for using threatening language on Facebook in connection with the incident.

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